Tuesday, February 24, 2009


"If you just realize what I've just realized,
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realized what I just realized..."
-Colbie Caillat

So for the first time in my life... well for the first time in a long time, I have a crush. Yeah yeah I know I'm too old for this stuff. But see I can't help it. This guy, well honestly he's just new and wonderful and intelligent and completely different than any other guy I've ever liked. I've met guys like him before and I kind of brushed them aside and banished them to the "friend" category because they just "weren't my type". Not now though. Not after I have had my time to realize...

I'm so thankful for the time I had to myself, for the reflection I've done, for the introspection that was necessary to bring me to this place. The place where I can appreciate what a healthy relationship looks like. The place where I can place a real value on a person that is continually showing me that in building a friendship and beyond accountability is welcomed. The place where I can feel that even if nothing ever comes of this above all else I know I'm on the right track in terms of my standards.

I'm so grateful that I took the time to realize more about myself, and more about what I wanted so I can now look at my options and say with confidence that I know what I want.... And hopefully he'll just realize and I'll get it... But he'll have to meet me halfway cuz I refuse to spell it out for him. It may take time but thats ok like I said before I'm ready.

Until the next song plays...

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